Thursday, June 26, 2008

Object oriented programming(OOP) using Java

Good user level knowledge of Computers.
Overview of Java
Simple Java Program, Compilation and execution.
Data types and variables.
Primitive types, Identifiers, arrays, Operators (Arithmetic and bitwise), Operator precedence.
Control statements
While, for, do-while, switch-case, if, goto, break, return, continue. Nested loop and Switch-case.
Classes and objects
Constructors and destructors. Methods. Member variables, Passing parameters. Returning objects. Recursion. Finalize, Garbage collection. This keyword.
Access control
Access modifiers, Static, Class and member access restrictions.
Basic concepts, Super and base class. Constructor invocation. Final. Method overloading and overriding. Preventing function overriding.
Packages and interfaces
Java packages. Interfaces and callback. Importing packages. Access protection. Extending and implementing interfaces.
Exception handling
Exceptions and errors, try, catch, Throw, throws, finally. Checked and unchecked exceptions. Standard Java exceptions and user defined exceptions.
Multi threading
Thread and runnable, Creating threads. Synchronization. Deadlock.
Console IO, File IO, Streams, readers and writers.
Standard Java Classes
String, StringBuffer, StringTokenizer, Date, Calendar, Random, Timer,
Basics of socket programming, Client server communication.
Event handling
Event Listeners and Event. Key and mouse listeners.
GUI programming using AWT
Frame, Panel, Button, Label, TextField, TextArea, ComboBox and CheckBox, Menu and MenuBar. Dialog boxes. Scrollbars. Layout managers. Images.
Light weight components. MVC Architecture.
Java applets. Embedding applets in HTML pages.
Server programming using servlets.
RMI, Java Beans, Reflection. Java Native Interface.

Object oriented programming(OOP) using C++

Good knowledge of C Programming.
A basic C++ program. New keywords and data types.
Classes and Objects
Structures and classes, Constructors and destructors, Parameterized constructors, Inline function, Static member variables. Scope resolution operator, Objects and functions, Nested and local classes.
Arrays, pointers, references, dynamic allocation
Array of objects, Pointer to derived class object, pointer to class member. References, Independent references, Dynamic memory allocation, nothrow.
Overloading, Copy constructor and default arguments
Function overloading, overloading constructors, Copy constructor. History of ‘overload’ keyword, default arguments, Function overloading and ambiguity.
Operator overloading
Creating member operator functions, Prefix and postfix operators, Operator overloading using friend functions, Overloading new, delete, [], (), -> and comma operators.
Base class access control, Inheriting multiple base classes, Passing parameter to base class constructor. Granting access, Virtual base class.
Virtual function and polymorphism
Early binding and late binding, calling virtual function using base class reference, Abstract class and pure virtual functions.
Generic programming. Template classes and functions.
Exception handling
Throw and catch. Re-throwing exceptions, terminate() and unexpected() handlers, exception class.
Input and output
Streams and Formatted IO.
File handling
File streams, reading and writing operations, Random and sequential access.
Real time ID and casting
RTTI and Casting.
Namespaces, constant and volatile, Introduction to STL.

Introduction To C Programming

C programming
Good user level knowledge of computers.
An Overview of C
A Simple C Program, compiling and executing a C program
Data types, Variables, Identifiers, Storage Class Specifier, Access Modifier, Initializations, Operators, Expression and Order of Evaluation. Type conversion. Bitwise operator.
Selection Statements (if, nested if, if else ladder, Switch, nested switch.
Iteration statements (for, while, do-while loops, Infinite loop, Empty loops)
Jump Statements (Return, goto, break, exit, continue)
Arrays and Strings
Single, double and multi dimensional arrays. Null terminated strings.
Pointers and arrays, Pointer to function, Dynamic memory allocation.
Function arguments, Pass by value and pass by reference, Returning values, Command line arguments. Recursion.
User defined data types
Structures, Unions, Enumerations and typedef.
Input Output
Console I/O, Reading and writing Strings.
File Handling
Reading and writing operations. Error handling.
#define, #ifdef, #if defined(), #error, #undef, #line, #include. Macro
Data structures
Linked list, Basic trees
Sorting and searching
Basic sorting algorithms, Merge sort, Quick sort.
GUI application development
Introduction to WIN 32 programming.
C on linux
An overview.